Allison Raskin is an actress and comedian best known as one-half of the comedy duo behind the hit YouTube show “Just Between Us.” In the series, Allison shows off her comedy chops, while speaking frankly about her experiences with depression, anxiety and struggling to keep up with social media. Though her JBU co-star Gaby Dunn is widely considered to be an LGBTQ icon and the most social-media savvy of the pair, ironically, as a queer trans woman living with mental illness, I can’t help but relate to Allison the most — and her hilarious Twitter feed is one of the reasons why.

As someone who shares Allison’s bewilderment with social media, I didn’t think to follow her on Twitter until I had already spent months binging JBU videos. But when I finally did, I went on a liking and retweeting spree — her tweets are real, relatable and straight-up uproarious.

Because I couldn’t retweet all the tweets I liked without my Twitter profile turning into an Allison Raskin fan page, I thought I’d share some of them here.

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